Customer Testimonials

Home Industries Customer Testimonials

“Vikas Ecotech’s product quality and consistency in performance are at par with products available in international markets. Their timely service and customer-oriented approach is something that we appreciate. As India’s leading pipe manufacturer, we rely on Vikas Ecotech for using Organotin stabilizers to remove the harmful effects of lead in food grade uPVC & cPVC plumbing and water systems.”

Prince Pipes & Fittings Pvt. Ltd.

“Vikas Ecotech has been an able partner in Liberty’s quest for manufacturing more comfortable and sturdy footwear for Indians. Their scientists work closely with our R&D team to develop specialty chemical products that help in strengthening the sole of the footwear. This helps in increasing the durability of our footwear and also making it more flexible (comfortable) for the end user.”

Liberty Shoes Limited

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Contact Us

34/1, Vikas House, East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi-110026, India

+ 91-11-4314 4444

+ 91-11-4314 4488